Inlet Stability
Topics: Salus, Process Safety Management, Evergreening
About the Author
Christopher Heflin is a degreed Chemical Engineer from Texas A&M University with over 8 years of experience in pressure relief analysis and relief system software, and is the lead training instructor for Salus and Data Insights courses both locally and internationally. He also plays an active role in the development of new features as well as ongoing software support.
Coronavirus Impact
Despite the dreaded COVID-19 pandemic, we have happily added several new members to the Salus family as an increased drive toward digitization and organization sweeps the industry. As a result, Salus has streamlined migration efforts for client’s existing data – whether in digital or physical copies – to be utilized efficiently in the software.
Topics: Salus, Process Safety Management, Process Safety Optimization, Process Safety
COVID-19: Operating Facilities Safely During A Pandemic
The COVID-19 Challenge
As the COVID-19 disease became a pandemic in the span of mere weeks in USA (months for the world), most of us who work in the process safety/engineering field has probably asked, or been asked:
- What kind of precautions have you taken to minimize the COVID-19 spread through:
- Human contact
- Computer equipment
- Shared office spaces
- Common areas
- How do you determine “non-essential” personnel that should not have access to your facility?
- What is your contingency plan if/when travel or access is restricted?
- How can you keep normal work efficiency for these “non-essential” personnel working offsite?
- What kind of resources do you need to work offsite?
Topics: Did You Know?, Salus, Process Safety Management, Relief System Design