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Smith & Burgess' Blog

New Decade’s Resolutions?

Posted by Brandon Ring on Jan 13, 2020 4:21:56 PM

"Great teamwork is the only way we create the breakthroughs that define our careers."

As we enter 2020, most of us have already taken a moment to reflect on last year's successes and failures. (At least on a personal level.) A somewhat painful and unavoidable exercise to help guide your decisions in the upcoming year.

However, how many have taken stock of our past decade's personal successes and failures?

If you haven't, quickly give it a shot right now.

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Topics: PSM Review, Industry Compliance, Compliance, OSHA, SIL Design, SIS Design, PSM Audit, Regulatory Compliance, Gap Assessment, Relief System Design, Relief Systems Revalidation, Relief Valve Mitigation, Relief Header, Flare Header Analysis, Allowable Backpressure, Spring Loaded Valves, CAPEX, Disposal System Design, Dynamic System Modelling

The Journey to Peak Facility Safety

Posted by Brandon Ring on Feb 24, 2019 10:34:05 PM

Establishing and maintaining an effective safety culture is a symphony of challenges and moving pieces.

Too often, those responsible engineers are stretched thin with competing priorities. Smith & Burgess is here to help. Our culmination of Process Safety knowledge enables us to quickly provide our clients with practical solutions that lead to compliancesignificant cost-savings, and of course, peak facility safety.

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Topics: PSM Review, Industry Compliance, Compliance, OSHA, SIL Design, SIS Design, PSM Audit, Regulatory Compliance, Gap Assessment, Relief System Design, Relief Systems Revalidation, Relief Valve Mitigation, Relief Header, Flare Header Analysis, Allowable Backpressure, Spring Loaded Valves, CAPEX, Disposal System Design, Dynamic System Modelling

Employee Spotlight: Amanda Mueller

Posted by Brandon Ring on Aug 1, 2018 4:57:00 PM

Ms. Amanda Mueller 
|  Process Safety Consultant

Ms. Mueller is a graduate from the University of Missouri with a degree in Chemical Engineering. She has extensive experience with Relief Systems and Flare Design projects. Over the past three years, Amanda has been an invaluable addition to Smith & Burgess' engineering staff and consistently exhibits the firm's dedication to quality process safety management.

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Topics: Smith & Burgess News, Relief System Design, Relief Valve Mitigation, Mitigation, Flare Header Analysis, Employee Spotlight

Case Study: Third Party Relief Valve Mitigation Review

Posted by Dustin Smith, P.E. on Nov 1, 2017 5:03:00 PM

The Opportunity:

A major US refinery used a competing engineering contractor to perform a flare and relief systems analysis. Upon completion of the project, the refinery was left with a list of facility upgrades that management deemed excessive. Smith & Burgess was hired to review the relief and flare systems documentation and provide engineering solutions that met corporate and industry requirements.

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Topics: Pressure Relief Valves, Relief Systems, Flare Mitigation, Action Item Resolution, Case Study, Refinery, Engineering Review, PRV Study, Third Party Review, Overly Conservative Assumptions, PRV, Relief System Design, Relief Systems Revalidation, Relief Valve Mitigation, Mitigation

 Safety Knowledge Should be Shared...

“It should not be necessary for each generation to rediscover the principles of process safety which the generation before discovered. We must learn from the experience of others rather than learn the hard way. We must pass on to the next generation a record of what we have learned.” - Jesse C. Ducommun, Safety Pioneer
As Process Safety engineers and consultants, we believe our unique position creates a responsibility for Smith & Burgess to share our years of accumulated safety knowledge.

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