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Smith & Burgess' Blog

Jeremiah McAfoose

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How far has Salus come?

Posted by Jeremiah McAfoose on Apr 12, 2022 11:48:16 AM

Aside from the expected software improvements from a decade of development (including a remote server-based architecture, dedicated thermodynamics engine, and smattering of user interface and stability improvements), Salus has become an industry-leading flagship of relief systems design.

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COVID-19: Operating Facilities Safely During A Pandemic

Posted by Jeremiah McAfoose on Apr 20, 2020 12:15:33 PM

The COVID-19 Challenge

As the COVID-19 disease became a pandemic in the span of mere weeks in USA (months for the world), most of us who work in the process safety/engineering field has probably asked, or been asked:

  • What kind of precautions have you taken to minimize the COVID-19 spread through:
    • Human contact
    • Computer equipment
    • Shared office spaces
    • Common areas
  • How do you determine “non-essential” personnel that should not have access to your facility?
  • What is your contingency plan if/when travel or access is restricted?
  • How can you keep normal work efficiency for these “non-essential” personnel working offsite?
  • What kind of resources do you need to work offsite?

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Topics: Did You Know?, Salus, Process Safety Management, Relief System Design

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