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Smith & Burgess' Blog

Employee Spotlight: Amanda Mueller

Posted by Brandon Ring on Aug 1, 2018 4:57:00 PM
Brandon Ring


Ms. Amanda Mueller 
|  Process Safety ConsultantAmanda Mueller

Ms. Mueller is a graduate from the University of Missouri with a degree in Chemical Engineering. She has extensive experience with Relief Systems and Flare Design projects. Over the past three years, Amanda has been an invaluable addition to Smith & Burgess' engineering staff and consistently exhibits the firm's dedication to quality process safety management.


University of Missouri
Chemical Engineering
Columbia, MI

Experienced Services:

  • Flare Analysis
  • Relief Device Analysis
  • Mitigation (Columns & Fractionators)

Personal Interests / Hobbies:

  • Spending Time with Friends
  • Running
  • St. Louis Blue Hockey
  • Attending Concerts
  • Playing Guitar

What led you to Process Safety as a profession?

I always enjoyed the STEM-related subjects prior to college. In 2011, I enrolled in the University of Missouri confident that I would find and decide on an engineering specialty. For the first year and a half, I thought it was mechanical engineering. However, after my first chemistry class, I was hooked and knew that was the direction for me. Thanks to the support I received from my college advisor, Dr. Paul Chan, I quickly changed my major to Chemical Engineering.

What factors led you into joining Smith & Burgess?

I tutored students at the University's Learning Center during my junior and senior years. Although I had several part-time jobs throughout college, I found helping other aspiring engineers was, by far, the most rewarding. When it came time to interview for future career opportunities, the idea of becoming a consultant was incredibly appealing. And it didn't hurt that Dr. Chan spoke very highly of Smith & Burgess as an organization.

You consistently had 40-hour work weeks while pursuing your degree in Chemical Engineering? How were you able to accomplish both?

Hah, I never slept! That's not true, but I wasn't always great at time management. In high school I found myself spread thin with too many organizations and responsibilities. Through those experiences, I learned the importance of planning ahead and finding ways to organize my time effectively. Looking back now, it seems crazy, but I was able to find a balance between work, school, and friends.

What aspects of your role with Smith & Burgess do you enjoy the most?

I enjoy being able to jump in and help our clients find the solutions that keep their facilities operating as safe as possible. Much like my time spent at the Learning Center, this aspect of my role at Smith & Burgess has been gratifying. I really feel like I have made a positive difference in my time here.

I have also enjoyed learning and growing alongside my team of engineers over the past three years. We have a lot of fun, but we also have the privilege of working with some of the best process safety professionals in the industry.

What does the rest of 2018 look like for you?

Smith & Burgess has several complex projects finishing this half of the year, so they will keep me busy for the immediate future. I was recently promoted to a Process Safety Consultant III. I am excited to see what new responsibilities and challenges will come with the advancement. Also, Smith & Burgess has recently partnered with the Houston Chapter of Society of Women Engineering. So I am looking forward to participating in several of their events with some of my fellow engineers. Personally, I am also looking forward to a few trips back home to St. Louis to see my family and friends.

"Amanda displayed an impressive balance of work ethic and technical aptitude very early in her time spent at the University of Missouri. Which is why I recommended she apply her talents towards a degree in Chemical Engineering. It is no surprise to me that she is excelling in her career path with Smith & Burgess."

- Dr. Paul Chan  |  Associate Professor at The University of Missouri




Topics: Smith & Burgess News, Relief System Design, Relief Valve Mitigation, Mitigation, Flare Header Analysis, Employee Spotlight

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