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Smith & Burgess' Blog

Smith & Burgess' "2019 Process Safety Scholarship"

Posted by Brandon Ring on Jun 21, 2019 3:04:42 PM
Brandon Ring


Actively supporting the Society of Women Engineers:

To celebrate Smith & Burgess’ support of “International Women in Engineering Day,” we are proud to announce Ms. Jill Bohnet as the winner of our first annual “Smith & Burgess: Process Safety Scholarship Award.”

Smith & Burgess' 2019 Process Safety ScholarshipWith the help of the Houston Chapter of the Society of Women Engineers, Smith & Burgess is honored to offer this scholarship to those women who have shown an incredible dedication of pursuing their professional careers within the field of chemical engineering.

Ms. Bohnet is a highly accomplished Senior at the Woodland’s College Park Highschool in both her personal and academic achievements. Next year Jill will pursue a chemical engineering degree at the Louisiana State University and will join the Universities’ Division I volleyball program.

“We are so incredibly proud of Jill and have loved watching her succeed. She is remarkably skilled at balancing school and volleyball, while still making time to have fun with her friends and family” said Ms. Bohnet's parents.

In fact, Jill credits her dedication for success to her parent’s creative ways of reinforcing STEM-related activities. “I like to think I have always enjoyed science and math, but I know that my parents helped cultivate my passion. Growing up, science fairs were always a big deal at our house. My brother, sister, and I would compete to see whose project was the best.”

That competition with Jill’s siblings, who are also pursuing engineering degrees at Louisiana State University, helped drive her academic success.

“On long road trips with the family, my parents turned 'calculating unit conversions' into a game between myself and my siblings. We enjoyed the competition and were rewarded with the correct answers.”

Smith & Burgess is incredibly proud to offer this annual scholarship to all deserving candidates through our partnership with the Houston Chapter of the Society of Women Engineers. To become eligible for next year’s award, please visit the SWE-HA website for additional details.


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