As we enter 2020, most of us have already taken a moment to reflect on last year's successes and failures. (At least on a personal level.) A somewhat painful and unavoidable exercise to help guide your decisions in the upcoming year.
However, how many have taken stock of our past decade's personal successes and failures?
If you haven't, quickly give it a shot right now.
Those of us without eidetic memory, have undoubtedly, forgotten more memories than we've remembered. (I was only able to recall about ten life-changing moments in the past decade.) And when I was mentally assessing how I arrived at those moments a pattern emerged. Reflecting on each of those memories, I noticed that there was always some assembly of my close and personal team present. Whether it was my wife, kids, parents, brother or friends - none of those memories occurred without them.
My point is that when you organize the memories spanning an entire decade, only the big stuff stands out, and rarely do they happen in a vacuum. Now try the same exercise from a professional, career-oriented perspective. Do you experience similar results?
You might have heard the old African proverb that states, "If you want to go quickly – go alone. If you want to go far, go together." The same is true with your site's safety goals. The journey to peak process safety management is not a short or straightforward path. Nor is it accomplished without the help of others.
Having an experienced and reliable team to guide you through action items, trainings, evergreening, or site-wide revalidations is a critical first step in obtaining long-term safety success.
So this year, when you are taking stock of your upcoming objectives, don't be afraid to bring in the experts. Smith & Burgess exists to help you accomplish your safety goals for 2020 and beyond.
Knowing your efforts led to site-wide compliance, and safe operations are successes that will be professionally memorable ten years from now. (And that is a beautiful memory when achieved.)